As you are aware, the use of a laptop or netbook has become a necessity nowadays. but do you know what are the problems most feared by the owners of this laptop. The problem that most dreaded by the owners of this laptop is overheating problem (heat) on the mainboard. This overheating problem is the failure of the cooling system on the CPU Fan mainboard faulty or poorly maintained or never maintained.
The way this is going to solve the problem by using a cooling pad or carry out periodic maintenance to clean the cpu fan once a month. Do not think this thing is not important or not necessary. The most effective method is to clean the cpu fan. If you can make your own is a bonus for you and if you do not know can send it to a computer service shop. Use cooling also not less important. it can help cool the temperature of the laptop.
If not afford to buy a cooling pad tu no way I wanted to share with you. It is very easy, can use mineral water cap. 4 take the lid and place in every corner of your laptop. Put a lid purpose is to provide good ventilation for the cpu fan provides sufficient wind. this concept are the same as the house one night sky fan us that. but this way is only temporarily before you buy the cooling pad.
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