Friday, August 31, 2012

0 Increase Your Internet Speed

If you feel slow to load internet browser page, here I want to share how to improve page load for internet explorer and mozilla firefox to 4 times faster.

Microsoft Internet Explorer

  • Go to "Start" and click "Run" or for users vista or windows 7, go to start and use the search.
  • Type "regedit" and press "Ok" and the Registry Editor will open.
  • Expand Software, Microsoft, Windows, Current Version
  • Click on the Internet Settings
  • MaxConnectionPer1_0Server and MaxConnectionPerServer show maximum number of connections per page
  • Double click on one of the registries for change.
  • Set the Decimal radio button and add value from default to a higher value,example 10. Do the same on the other one registry.

Mozilla Firefox

  • Open Firefox and type about: config in the address bar and press "Enter".
  • Filter Type network.http.pipe the search bar above.
  • Double click on network.http.pipelining string to convert to the true values​​.
  • If you use a proxy, network.http.proxy.pipelining set to true.
  • Double click on network.http.pipelining.maxrequests string to convert interger value to 35.
  • Right click on any of the Configuration screen and select "New" and then "Boolean".
  • Enter browser.turbo.enabled as new Boolean name and click "Ok". Now set the Boolean value to true.

* You can also install Fasterfox Plugin. This increases the speed Firefox Plugin.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

0 What’s in a Laptop LCD Screen?

 A laptop part that many people consider when buying a laptop is the LCD screen. There are four things to take note of when assessing a laptop screen’s ability to display images: Screen size, resolution, screen type, and graphics processor. Let’s break each factor down.

Screen Size

Laptops come in various shapes and sizes to accommodate as varied a range of user preferences as possible. Whether you’re a casual computer user who does a lot of travelling, a hardcore gamer who goes out to attend the occasional LAN party, or any kind of user in between, rest assured that somewhere out there is a laptop tailor-made just for you.

There are four major laptop categories, grouped according to size. The general rule of thumb is, the bigger a laptop is, the less portable, but more powerful its laptop components are. The smaller it is, the less powerful its laptop parts become, but it gains an advantage in portability.

Since laptop screens account for the whole top half of a laptop, it follows that a laptop’s size dictates its screen size as well. Screen size is measured diagonally. Many laptops now come with screens in a wide aspect ratio to accommodate a more cinematic display and/or to reduce the screen’s depth dimension (and therefore its overall size,lowering the cost of production).

From the largest to smallest, here are the four laptop categories and the common screen sizes they have:

·         Desktop replacements: 17” to 19”
·         Thin-and-lights: 14” to 16”
·         Ultraportables: 13.3” and below
·         Netbooks: 12” and below


Screen resolution refers to the number of pixels that a screen is able to display. Basically, the more pixels a screen can show, the sharper the image will be since more pixels equals finer individual image points.

Think of it like this: Usually, the farther you are from an image, the more defined it is; but as you get closer, you begin to see individual colors (or image points) that make up the whole picture. Now, if these image points were smaller (meaning there were more of them that made up the whole picture), then you’d have to go pretty damn close before the image broke up again into distinguishable image points. That’s how pixels in LCD screens work.

Most widescreen LCD’s give a maximum resolution of 1366 x 768, which is par for the course. If a laptop LCD can go beyond that (preferably the hi-def standard of 1920 x 1080), all the better.

Screen Type

Most people aren’t aware of this, but there are two common variants of LCD panels commonly used in laptops today. The first is TN (Twisted Nematic), which is cheaper to produce and has faster refresh rates. The other is IPS (In-Plane Switching), which offer better color density and wider viewing angles. The pros of one are the cons of the other.

Refersh rate refers to a screen’s ability to switch from image frame to image frame. The faster it is, the smoother the video moves. If it dips below standard speeds, screen-tearing ensues. Color density refers to the amount of colors an LCD can display onscreen at the same time. Finally, viewing angles means how well you can see an image in its full splendor when you’re not exactly front-and-center.

Graphics Processor

Finally, we have graphics processing units (GPUs), or video cards. The two major manufacturers of GPUs are AMD and NVIDIA. Video cards from each company have their own strengths and weaknesses best detailed in another article. The bottom line is that if you’re not the type of user who plays video games or watches hi-def media content a lot, then the GPU your laptop has really doesn’t matter much. If, however, you use graphics-heavy programs like the aforementioned video games, Blu-ray players, Photoshop, and the like, then GPU choice should factor into your decision.

0 Watching You Tube Without Buffering

You all would like / have seen videos on youtube right? sure the videos you watch sometimes Buffering.

Here I want to share some knowledge that I know how do we watch the video without buffering. before I go I want to remind self this way also depends on the speed line / broadband and not forgetting the file size we watch that.

Without wasting time I mean this is the last step.

1. type

2. click Join the HTML5 Trial

try, should you be surprised .. :-)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

0 Create Folder Locker With Easy Way

You have an important document files? want to keep but do not know where, and worry about your documents invaded by the other party, or you have tried other software to lock important documents, but no luck, they all failed. I'm sure many who have tried other software for folder lock key (Folder Locker), most of the software required that you purchase a license, some free software.

Now you can lock important folder without using any software! you just need to enter some simple code, after which you can store a variety of important and confidential information in a folder that you have set the password, which only you have access to that folder!
Below are the steps to create a Folder Locker:

1) - Create a new folder and name it to the Locker (or the name you like)

2) - Copy below this setting.

title Folder Locker
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%==type your password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully
goto End

3) - Paste that code into Notepad file

4) - Change the "type your password here" to your own password:

5) - Save Notepad file earlier, select the name of your favorite files by name, and in the end add. Bat (for example: folder-rahsia.bat)

6) - As a result you will see two files that you have created, the folder and file BAT:

7) - To lock a folder, you just need to double click on the BAT file (Notepad), type Y and press ENTER

8) - To open the folder that you have the key, double-click the BAT file (Notepad), then enter your password and press ENTER

Done! .. Now you can save all the data and information important to the Secret folder that you have created. Easy right? without using any software!

0 Waiting Long to Shutdown Your PC?

Are you having trouble the 'shutdown' computer too long? Maybe all this you often encounter speed problems 'shutdown', each time going 'shutdown' computers, you had to wait too long .. If you encounter problems or want to speed up the process of 'shutdown' your computer, follow these steps.

There are 4 step together, please follow one by one.

01 - Start> Run> regedit> click OK
02 - click HKEY_CURRENT_USER> Control Panel> Desktop
03 - select 'WaitToKillAppTimeout'
04 - Right click your mouse and select 'Modify'
05 - Change the value to '1000 'and click OK

01 - Repeat the above Step (steps 01 to 02)
02 - select 'HungAppTimeout'
03 - Right click your mouse and select 'Modify'
04 - Change the value to '1000 'and click OK

01 - Start> Run> regedit> click OK
02 - click HKEY_USERS>. DEFAULT> Control Panel> Desktop
03 - select 'WaitToKillAppTimeout'
04 - Right click your mouse and select 'Modify'
05 - Change the value to '1000 'and click OK

01 - Start> Run> regedit> click OK
02 - click HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE> System> CurrentControlSet> Control
03 - select 'WaitToKillServiceTimeout'
04 - Right click your mouse and select 'Modify'
05 - Change the value to '1000 'and click OK

Done!! .. For those of you who are new to the 'regedit' you may feel very difficult to do, but eventually you'll get used to 'regedit'. and many pc tricks that I have an upcoming show or will use 'regedit'!! .. so do not be afraid to try!! .. try and error is common in the computer.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

0 Shut Down Windows With Other Way (Win XP User)

If you have not been able to solve the problem shut down too long, maybe you can try this trick too.

Do I press Ctrl + Alt + Delete on your keyboard, then click on the tab "Shut Down" at the top of the Task Manager and select what you want:
  • Stand By
  • Hibernate
  • Turn Off
  • Restart
  • Log-off
  • Switch User

To Shut Down the computer select 'Turn Off' .. and in a few seconds you will be Shut Down Windows!

Please see the diagram below>

Monday, August 27, 2012

0 Convert Your Files to PDF

Now most of the documents used for communication produced electronically.

Among the most popular formats to produce electronic documents are PDF format or Portable Document Format, using this format, it can be opened electronically without the use of original software such as Microsoft Word, WordPad and others.

Among the advantages of the production of documents into pdf format is able to protect the original documents (important documents such as payment receipts) against editing by irresponsible parties.

You can get the pdf document production software for free on the internet, between free software that you can use to generate pdf document is doPDF which can be downloaded from

How to use doPDF software is very simple, it can be achieved by using 'print'.

Here are the steps using doPDF:

1 - Open the document that want to be changed
2 - Click on 'file' and select the command 'print', or can also use shortcodes 'Ctrl + P' (press simultaneously).
3 - Select the printer named doPDF v6, press ok.
4 - Done

Documents have been changed format to pdf format, you need Adobe Acrobat Reader to open pdf files that were generated. The software can be obtained free of charge at

Sunday, August 26, 2012

0 Blog A Knowledge Sharing Medium

You have heard the word blog right? Actually the word is still new existence in this world. Long history, but in short blog is part of the word that means Remarks for a website. The builders of the website sometimes tu make a special page on their website where they make daily entries, or weekly about their activities and they call it "Web log". Old-time Web Log ni increasingly popular and more known as a BLOG only.

What is Blog?

Blog is a type of web-shaped recording of anything by the blog author. All opinions, or news, or announcements, or stories or whatever form will be treated as a blog entry. Do not mistake that blogs and websites can not exist together because this blog from the website and now there are many blogs available on the website.

Are Blog Popular?

Today, the blog is actually very popular throughout the world. Blogs built to share interests, exchange ideas, express opinions, announce new news, talk about current events, entertainment, sports, fashion, computer, internet, comics, books, family, science, technology, business, video games, financial, group, music, movies, dramas, tv shows, shopping, cars, motorcycles, law, politics, foreign issues, nature, magazines, newspapers, religion, history, language, employment, and more. All this we can put this blog. This is what makes blogging so popular.

Why need to create a blog?

There are many reasons for you to create a blog, depending on your needs for a blog that. Sometimes people create blogs for fun, but there is also a blog for a rice cooker! Make no mistake, blogging can provide a lucrative income if done right. If you you things you want to share with others, a blog is a smart choice. there are many websites that provide services create a blog for free, and some you can create a blog in 5 minutes! Create a blog actually is not difficult, but what is important is the content of your blog!

How to make an interesting blog?

Blog posts shall be of great content. Write your blog closely, and soulful, you'll write blog posts. Great content also resulted from a deep knowledge of the issues that you write on your blog, the more the knowledge or more in your interest in the issue, more interesting content you will write. In addition, the graphics might be an interesting combination of colors in your blog will make it more interesting!

What do you think, if you are interested in for the blog, what are the issues you wish to take in ur blog. Or do you just want to make fun of the blog and just wanted to write je yg anything you like. I thought, do not shock yourself! Lazy reader will read your blog!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

0 Interesting Shortcut for Windows 7

You certainly getting love and love with windows 7 because the graphics are beautiful and attractive as well as it is lighter than windows vista. But you certainly would prefer to find that there are other advantages in windows 7. You can try with a few shortcuts that I will show and behold the result later.
Try to do at the keyboard one step below:

Alt + P
Display / hide the Explorer preview panel

Windows Logo + G
Display gadgets in front of other windows

Windows Logo + + (plus key)
Zoom in, Banjarmasin appropriate

Windows Logo + - (minus key)
Zoom out, Banjarmasin appropriate

Windows Logo + Up
Maximize the current window

Windows Logo + Down
Minimize the current window

Windows Logo + Left
Snap to the left hand side of the screen

Windows Logo + Right
Snap to the right hand side of the screen

Windows Logo + Home
Minimize / restore everything except the current window

Friday, August 24, 2012

0 Tips How To Check Your Computer Specifications

Many ways to look at your computer or laptop specification which we use some software, properties of My Computer and others. However, what I want to show this is one of his ways. Important for us to know the strength of the ability of a PC that we use. With step and these measures, we can see the actual ability of our computers. We can ability and speed in terms of graphics, memory, processor and type of Operating System (OS).

Among the steps are:

1) Click on Start -> Click on the Search programs and files.

2) Then type the word run and click RUN program

3) Type dxdiag Click on the OK button.

4) Next All of you will see the overall look in the system specifications of your computer

5) Next you click on Display to see the speed and information about your computer graphics.

How? Have you know the exact specifications of your computer?

Thursday, August 23, 2012

0 Lock Your Computer

This method is rarely possible to put into practice. However, it may be useful to you to increase security for your computer data. Maybe you are doing the work and then out to rest and eat. So, no need to shutdown your computer or take off. Therefore suitable for use in this way.

Step 1:
Right Mouse Click on desktop> New> Shortcut

Step 2:
Message will come out of the box 'Create Shortcut'. Please type the code below into the box> Type the location.
rundll32 User32.dll, Lock Workstation

Step 3:
click Next

Step 4:
In the box labeled 'Type a name for this shortcut' type LOCK MY COMPUTER or whatever you want.

Step 5:
click Finish

Now that you have set an icon on your computer desktop. You just double click the icon and see what happens.

For additional security, you can create a user account with the password in the control panel.

best of luck. :)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

0 The Term "Upgrade" and "Update" For Computer

Upgrade and Update term often heard when IT matters - especially software - are discussed. Yet too many users assume that both terms refer to the same thing. This is a mistake.

Upgrade and Update are not the same. Here I will briefly explain the difference between these terms.

Quite simply upgrade occurs when overall the software is replaced. When a software upgrade, it is normal it undergoes changes to the name. For example is Windows Vista Upgrade to Windows Xp. Change in name also overshadowed by a change in the version number of the software. For example Windows Xp version number is 500 while the number of versions of Windows Vista is 600 and the number of versions of Windows 7 - which is the Upgrade to Vista - is 700.

When a software - upgrades, major changes often occur also in shape persian. Application procedures may also experience changes. So the upgrade is a major change in the software.

Update was not drastic. Update occurs when the software improved without changing the look of its functions and dramatically. A most popular way of software updates is through the installation of Service Pack. Service Pack contains additional components and overhaul that makes the existing software more stable, fast and efficient. When the Service Pack is installed, the software name unchanged. But the software version number may change slightly. For example see the number - the version number of Windows Vista follows: -

Windows Vista Original = 600
Windows Vista Service Pack 1 = 601
Windows Vista Service Pack 2 = 602

So too is the case with the version of Windows or other software. For example Windows Xp Service Pack 3 (often written as WinXP SP3) is an update to WinXP SP2 and beyond.

It is recommended you install the Service Pack your software every time it is launched. Service Pack often free and can be downloaded directly from the software manufacturer's website. Some software can update the software via the Update button. Some need to check for updates automatically and download and install it automatically. Each manufacturer uses different implementations to maintain the integrity of their software products.

Update may be considered as you do on your car modified to make it more beautiful, fast, sophisticated, stylish and so forth. But when you're bored with your car, you are going to "upgrade" or change to a new car.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

0 Enemy Computer: Virus

Have you ever suffered - the following conditions: -

  • You feel your computer is getting slower?
  • Running sluggish and often hangs operation (hangs)?.
  • Files often lost and can not be detected?
  • Program can not be run?
  • Disk space is getting full?
  • Internet becomes too slow or not working?
  • You frequently send the computer to the shop for the format? But after a few months the problem?
All in savage enemy no 1 computer of viruses and spyware

On your computer when new, it runs very fast and smooth. Now after a few months or years, you feel kind of lifeless your computer again. Many users consider the cause of this happening is because the computer is "old". This coupled with the salesperson or shopkeeper comment computer said so simply - because you want to buy a new computer.

Stated that there is NO REASON why a 2 year old computer can not work as quickly when it is new is installed. Computer is not like a car that can be worn and damaged components and become less efficient operation. In the computer system, except the hard drive and fan no other moving components. So said the cause of the computer becomes slow is because it is long only after several months or a year or two of use is not true at all!

So what is the cause of the computer problem as above? The answer is virus and spyware. Viruses and spyware are two kinds of malicious software that slows down your computer and damaging way. In the category of virus and spyware also includes software that often we hear as worms and trojans. All software - this software is the main cause why your computer to experience all the problems listed above.

But the good news is that these problems can be overcome. Many consumers are deceived by "advice" computer retailers that one - the only way to solve this problem is format the computer. Worse, there are those who ingested "advice" shopkeepers and change or "upgrade" to the new hard disk costs hundreds of dollars. As a result the computer running smoothly for several months. After the computer started to slow back and do things again. Finally, many users will feel tired of ending their computer problems and mengambaikan their computer or use in adverse conditions.

Actually you do not need to spend big or bother to use a computer at half capacity. By adopting a step - step right care and disinfection, you can return your computer's performance to the situation to normalcy. No need to format. No need to upgrade. No need to spend hundreds of dollars to do so. Virus and Spyware Eradication course teaches all you need to know about viruses and spyware - enemy number one computer. You will learn to recognize the difference in each of these pathogens and how they attack your computer. You also learn how to eradicate all the enemies - enemies of this from your computer. Expertise will you earn you can use to keep your computer in good condition always. The result is that you will enjoy the computing experience far more fulfilling, enjoyable and productive. You will be able to use computer systems for a long time to complete the task down. You no longer need to struggle with a variety of computer problems. You'll also find no need to send the computer to the store again just - eye for formatting or upgrading (upgrade). You will save hundreds of dollars that can be used for other purposes.

Monday, August 20, 2012

0 Tip Protect Your Password

Commonly passwords used to access the information and services on the web. There are many passwords you have to remember, therefore, you may choose a password that is easy to remember and even wrote it in a place that can be seen of men.

Here are some tips for you to protect your password and to build a strong password:

* Do not share your password in the Internet, through e-mail or the phone. No one will ask for your password sent to them. Be careful if anyone asks.

* Use passwords that have at least eight characters, including a combination of numbers and symbols.

* Avoid common words or phrases. Hackers can use programs that try every word in the dictionary.

* Do not use your personal information or any words or phrases that are relevant to you.

* You should always change your password regularly. Every 3 months at least.

* You need to use a different password on each account you access.

* A way to create a strong password is to get a phrase that you can remember and take the first letter of each word as your password, change the character that you can remember. For example, "Everyone knows the sun sets at dawn" would be "e1ktss@d".

Sunday, August 19, 2012

0 Turn Off Laptop Without Shutdown

1. Losing data in registry

During computer operation or still in the process of operation, the computer will register or registry available computer components or applications that have been used, this will result in a component or application can not be stored in the registry, it will result in the recovery system is not functioning properly.

2. Will reduce life expectancy computer components

During shutdown computer processing unit or processor shall give instructions to the bios to stop all the components work there, it is also my current out of control on the component, if you turn off the computer with the incorrect current component eventually you will wear out quicker.

3. Processor will easily damaged

During shutdown bios will play an important role in turning off cooller fan on the processor, if it is off then suddenly startled processor.

Memory can be easily damaged during the shutdown systems where memory or cache will be cleared, it will result in damage to the memory.

4. Hard drive damaged

If the operating system does not shut down properly shutdown and follow the steps, eating is likely that there are on the hard disk drive can be easily damaged, because current supplies are switched off suddenly, head or head hard disk will wear out quicker.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

0 Test Your Computer Keyboard

The keyboard is one of the tools we have always adopted when using the computer.
Here I provide some way to test if your keyboard is really reliable or not.
You just have to type the word

"The quick brown fox Jumps over the lazy dog"

but in the following ways:

1. Open your notepad.
2. Press and hold the left shift key and right shift.
3. Type the word "the quick brown fox Jumps over the lazy dog". (Remember the left shift key and right shift not off).
4. See if writing out complete accordance with the words above or there are missing letters.
5. The more letters that do not come out, the worse the quality of your keyboard.

Why should write the words "the quick brown fox Jumps over the lazy dog"?
Because of these words is a word that contains all the letters in the alphabet that are commonly used to test typewriters and computer keyboards, and in other applications that involve all the letters in the English alphabet

Best of luck!!!

Friday, August 17, 2012

0 Ways to Avoid Internet Addiction

Does the presence of information technology and the internet in this world has made some classes of individuals suffering from a disease or disorder known as internet addiction (internet addiction disorder) or computer addiction? Is it a new disease, which was previously not in medical terms? Or could it be a disorder that is already present in the individual involved, just as drug addiction and alcoholism, but it was caused by a computer and the internet? Have a computer or internet can also cause addiction?

This is an aspect that should be taken even more so many reports and studies do recognize there are individuals suffering from addiction to computers and the internet. What is internet addiction? The question that is very hard to answer but need to be answered based on solid facts and research. Is Internet addiction or computer addiction is different from other addictions such as drug addiction, alcohol, cigarettes and so on? And what is the impact of internet addiction? Should be considered.

World of computing, information technology and the Internet also can certainly make a person become addicted. Why? This is because they are all able to treat all kinds of diidami needs of each individual, the needs of the sexual instinct, mental, emotional and intellectual until the spiritual. They like to their friends and colleagues. In fact there are individuals who consider computers and the internet as part of themselves and their lives and they will be afflicted restless longing and despondent if they do not have the opportunity?? Entertain friends?? them. A study conducted by found there are five categories of ingredients high risk cyber world addictive as follows:

1. Cyber ​​Sex Addiction: tend to visit their website porn, sex-related chat room etc.

2. Cyber ​​relationship addiction: a strong desire to get in touch either by email, chat, discussion, etc.

3. Addiction Information: susceptibility to the web sites oriented current affairs, information and database search

4. Computer Addiction: influenced by computing technology equipment, specs and chip cards, sound system, etc.

5. Computer game addiction: simple default due obsessed playing computer games until the hard stop

Actually to identify whether the use of computers and the Internet causes addiction or vice versa depending on the manner and context as well as the requirements inherent in an individual. In addition, the following should also be kept in view to assess the level of dependence on computers and the internet can be addictive:

1. Spend more time at the computer than usual or exceed the requirements for the proper use

2. Time to surf the Internet is increasing and affecting role as individuals, students, or employees and also affect the level of productivity and well-being of ordinary

3. Feel less confident or failed to ward off the influence of the internet

4. The less attention to health care and proper division of time compared to normal

5. Depression appeared angry, frustrated and sad that relates directly to the computer and the internet and start isolating themselves from society

6. Exists feel bored or excessive worry and anxiety if not surf the internet for a certain period

7. Internet use resulting in anger or harassment of another person such as a parent, husband or wife and can cause friction.

Someone who is addicted to the internet and computer failed to focus on the good of life analyzed as usual. Normal individual lives intertwined when it can maintain its role as a normal human, creating good relationships and maintain optimal health. For those who have this addiction, role and relationship with other individuals within the affected her life. To prevent this from happening, the following steps can revisit strategy is given:

1. Set objectives and goals before surfing the web or using a computer to identify the purposes of their use

2. Set browsing certain web sites and the need, or just to meet the requirements needed in order not to exceed the limits and to avoid unnecessary browsing

3. Restrict or set period required when using the computer and when browsing cyberspace to avoid wasting time

4. Divide the appropriate time between life in cyberspace and in the real life so there is a balance

5. Make the cyberspace and the internet as a source of knowledge to enhance the role of being a perfect human being and to increase the skills needed in life


Information technology and the internet certainly has a tremendous impact on people's lives. In the aspect of individual well-being and its relationship with information technology, there is a mutual influence response ama influence one another. Given the close correlation between people and information technology, no wonder there are among those who drowned in the cyber world, as well as those who use the internet as a means to achieve personal pleasure alone. Only those who are able to create a balance between the internet and real life activities that promote well-being only in the course of their lives for the good of mankind.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

0 Tips To Buy Laptop Second Hand

Buying a used laptop can be an attractive option. For example, you want to save money or just buy a laptop for a child so computer literate. Whatever the reason, here are some tips to buy quality used laptop:

1. Note the Physical Shape Laptop

Conditions determine whether the laptop chassis used laptop is well cared for. Take a good look around the chassis of the laptop so you do not regret in the future because there is no check damage carefully.

Display Laptop
Laptop LCD display is one of the most expensive components. Therefore, make sure that the laptop screen is still able to work well.

Keyboard and Touchpad
Make sure the laptop keyboard and touchpad still works fine. This is because replacing the keyboard and touchpad, as well as more expensive, it is also not as easy to replace as the desktop.

2. Note With Conscientiousness Components Laptop

For now, I recommend you buy a used laptop which uses the most minimal prossesor Pentium III. Prossesor is still capable of carrying modern operating systems like Windows XP quite well.

RAM Memory prices are usually cheaper now. Carefully and check the RAM capacity can be upgraded easily if an when you want it. Recommended that the laptop has a capacity of at least 512 Mb of RAM.

Hard disk capacity
Old laptop might only have a maximum capacity of 40 GB hard drive, but there is only 10 GB. Determine the capacity that meets your needs in the data store.

Used laptop batteries are usually weaker. Consider whether you need a new battery. If for example the laptop is worn only at home, you may not need to buy a new battery and can use electricity at home alone.

3. Ask Yourself

Ask yourself, what is the need to buy a second hand laptop?. What used laptop can last long enough or should you wait for the time to buy a new one? Remember, the price of a new laptop on the decline in line with technological developments. But if you are ready to buy a second hand laptop after considering a variety of profit and loss, just do it.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

0 Get All Files Deleted

Perhaps you've experienced situations where you mistakenly delete a file or want to get back deleted files yg. Do not worry because there is a free Windows program that works with Undelete Plus yg scans computer hard drives to search for new-deleted files and allows you to choose which files for reinstated.

However, keep in mind, the longer the time has passed when you want a file again after it is switched off, the more difficult for getting it back because it is possible that your computer has to record something new to the file.

Visit and click on the option "With Installer" for downloading Undelete Plus

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

0 Trick For The Day

Today I'd love to share a few tricks that can help your pc and laptop users in carrying out daily work.

  1. want to speed up the taskbar when you press the start menu.
  2. go to start
  3. press run
  4. enter regedit
  5. go desktop
  6. go start menu
  7. find menushowdelay
  8. if not create new title MenuShowDelay
  9. Then enter the value 0
  10. save
  11. Then close
  12. restart

You will be able to see the difference.


you are doing the work rather 'secret' and suddenly there came the crash and you're trying to avoid being discovered during work for can not be viewed by others.

Do not worry there is a solution.

press the keypad windows symbols with L

That`s All

Monday, August 13, 2012

0 Learn Performance Personal Computer Hardware & Software

Users who truly cares, may be interested to know the performance of the hardware and software of personal computer (PC) with depth. Undoubtedly, the Windows operating system is capable of providing specific information through the facility. However, this is woefully inadequate. So, the use of several benchmark software and PC information like this can help.

1. HWiNFO ( Hardware Info or simply HWiNFO is a powerful system information utility and produced to detect hardware. Shareware software is said to be able to identify a large scale of system components and supports the latest technologies and standards. This equipment is updated from time to time (usually once a month, according to the manufacturer) to provide the most accurate results.

2. Dr. Hardware ( Since 1994, this shareware is the most advanced system information programs on the market. It was built for the average consumer and professional both desktop and notebook PCs. In addition to data collection system and have normal function, more sophisticated tests like hardware sensor, and network analysis are also available. Now, it is equipped with 7 benchmark tests and supports Windows 95/98/Me/NT4/2000/2003 and XP.

3. PC Surgeon 3:01 ( The software can diagnose, monitor and repair Windows XP platform. It provides 65 functions including inspection systems, medical monitoring system, the functions of the overhaul, inspection Windows, folders inspection, examination-Web, and network inspection. In addition, shareware software can also provide reports and capable of converting data into HTML format, Excel and XML.

4. PC Wizard 2004 ( This powerful utility designed especially for detection of hardware and analyzed. It is able to identify a large scale of system components and supports the latest technologies and standards. Besides updated every month, this free software can analyze and benchmark computer system hardware. Among them the level of performance CPU, cache, RAM, hard disk, CD / DVD-ROMs, and removable media / flash.

5. 3DMark03 ( free software based platform is DirectX 9.0 3D graphics performance benchmarking and video. It features advanced gaming technology for high-level users. DIAGNOSED tool involves four main test game: flight simulation, first person shooters, RPG and natural test. Latest features include tests CPU, 3D sound, a real-time physics model and advanced functions online.

6. AIDA32 ( Program information systems, diagnostic, and benchmarking professional supports Windows platform. It collects detailed data of all components of the PC. It can display information on the screen, print it, or save them in various formats like HTML, CSV or XML. For corporate users, this free utility offers statistical functions such as network management, and remote system information.

7. PCMark2002 ( Software benchmark various purposes is suitable for all types of PC benchmarking, including laptops and workstations, as well as support various versions of Windows. Besides being free, the series of tests that represent common tasks in home and office programs are also available. For example, you can test the CPU, memory, hard drive, system software and the results are compared with other computers through the Internet.

8. MetaBench ( free benchmark program provides over 55 different tests to benchmark high-level system. These benchmarks are designed carefully and take into account the latest CPU and system architecture. It provides two types of benchmarks: synthetic and practical. Sintetiknya tests measure the actual difference of component performance. Practical test involves algebraic difference used different software.

9. Sandra 2004 ( Utility and diagnostic information can provide most of the necessary information about hardware, software, and other devices - whether hardware or software. It is reflective of the actual situation the system for comparison. Information provided includes the CPU, chipset, video adapter, ports, printers, sound card, memory, network, internal Windows, AGP, USB2, Firewire, and others.

10. WinTasks 4 ( software gives savvy computer user comprehensive control of all operating processes, thus making advanced resource management, troubleshooting, and optimization much easier. Popular shareware software also provides interesting features such as CPU and memory usage graphs per process, details of the process, and built-in scripting language.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

0 Cause Hard Disk Damaged

If you have a problem where suddenly your computer hangs, usually we will reset the computer or right off the computer and restart. Computer reset action repeatedly may cause hard disk bad sectors and faulty experience.

Discover the reason why computer hangs and overcoming them so that your hard disk last longer. If the motherboard has a built-in sound but you do not use it, you can disable it through the BIOS. This can speed up the operation of your computer.

If you see the light bulb in your computer blinks fast when you do the work, this marks the memory of your computer. Blinking indicates activity on the hard drive occurs because the memory is not enough to cover all or her there. It may be reasonable to add a memory.

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